Baek Woon-hak, nato nel 1962, ha cominciato la sua carriera come produttore televisivo, e poi come assistente regia a Channel 69. Ha partecipato alla sceneggiatura e alla produzione di "Shiri" (1999). Il suo cortometraggio "Waist Bottle" (2003) ha vinto il primo premio al Shin-young Youth Film Festival. Ha esordito alla regia con il thriller "Tube" (2003). Il suo ultimo film "The chronicles of Evil" (2015) ha avuto un enorme successo.
Baek Woon-hak, born in 1962, was a television producer and later an assistant director at Channel 69. He participated in the screenwriting and production of the blockbuster "Shiri" (1999). His short film "Waist Bottle" (2003) won the Grand Prize at the Shin-young Youth Film Festival. He made his directorial debut with the thriller film "Tube" (2003), set in the underground. His latest film "The Chronicles of Evil" (2015) had a great success and was seen by more than two million viewers.